Friday, August 16, 2013

Fourteen Year Old Schools Kevin O'Leary (and everyone else for that matter) on GMO Foods

The link for this video has been pretty widely spread. And rightly so. Already getting over a million hits on YouTube, this is obviously an important subject to more than just the Paleo community and people are starting to tune in. Thankfully! If you frequent my blog then there really is no need to explain why this girl, Rachel Parent, is simply a rockstar, defending our rights to choose weather or not to buy genetically modified foods. She clarifies the difference between GMOs and hybridization. She points out who funds the studies on GMOs and the other issues in their testing. And she keeps her composure even when O'Leary rashly throws accusations of not caring about starving children in Asia. There are so many holes in Mr. O'Leary's arguments that it's hard to choose which ones to magnify. A few of my favorites are: 1. He quickly decides to not even debate about mandatory labeling, he concedes that this pretty well should be done. 2. Even his co-host refers to us as Monsanto's "lab rats." 3. It's said that it's impossible to eat a GMO-free diet. Wrong, so, so wrong. Just watch it. And share.

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