Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Top 10 Paleo Gift Ideas

Because we all can use some suggestions on buying for the caveman in your life...

1. Le Cruset Dutch Oven

Because anything Le Cruset is amazing and dutch ovens are perfect for making carnitas.

2. Veggie Spiralizer

If they don't already have one, they are envying all the bloggers online that post recipes using one. They're fun. And they make vegetables into pasta. 'Nuff said.

3. Vitamix

Shameless self promotion, I know, but seriously- every foodie wants one. With my affiliate code 06-006499 you can get free shipping, access (online only) to refurbished machines at the lowest prices possible (see details here), and a bonus gift of 3 spatulas ONLY available from purchases through an affiliate like me!*

*(spatulas will be shipped separately and will not show up in your shopping cart- but you will get them!)

4. Lunch Crock Pot

Cavemen no like microwaves. Caveman want food to stay hot all day. Caveman like this.

5. Better Than a Frisbee

It flies really, really far. And cave people like to be active. Throw it really far and teach your dog or husband to retrieve it.

6. Hard Cider Kit

Because they don't drink beer.

7. Kitchen Aid Mixer


8. Light Saber Chopsticks

Things that glow make everything more fun.

9. Himalayan Salt Lamp: Air Purifier

To learn more read this. All the cool cave people want one, trust me.

10. Berkey Super Awesome Water Filter

Seriously, they will use it everyday... forever. And love it.