Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Free Paleo Living Magazine

Among my many endeavors I recently added to my list the new task of being executive editor of Paleo Living Magazine. I really consider it more of a privilege than a job, just as I view running this blog and getting to reach so many of you, my precious and dear readers. I think any involvement in the Paleo community is both entertaining and fulfilling- holding the potential to help thousands, if not millions of people who are willing to make a change to better themselves. The aim of Paleo Living Magazine is to help those who are interested in the Paleo lifestyle and aid them in everyday queries and provide some helpful pointers, interesting tips, and tasty recipes.

You can check out the official website here:

You can get a free 3 month subscription by using my link here (and don't worry, there are no catches, no automatic renewals, or any traps- it's truly free):

As of this moment Paleo Living Magazine is available only on iPhones and iPads but there should be an app for Android available soon. I will try to update this post when that is of avail.

Thanks for being a fan of Salted Paleo. I hope you enjoy Paleo Living Magazine as well.

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